Sunday, March 11, 2012

the light of creativity will forever flicker..

When I was engaged almost two decades ago, I remember running to the grocery or drug store to purchase as many bride magazines as I could. Back then that was the customary thing to do as you sat with friends giggling, flipping pages and dreaming that one of those wedding gown pages you dogeared might be your dress! Today brides literally have the world at their fingertips to plan a wedding. If there is something a bride wants for her wedding, she can most likely be sure to find it somewhere out there in the cyber market.
What I especially adore is as a wonderful resource for brides. This remarkable concept to showcase hand crafted merchandise can be a delightful aid for just the right additions to your wedding. The prices are usually budget friendly and creations one of a kind, which make the items so special. Of course I can't resist the clutch or shall I say "minaudiere" shown above by Mermaid's Dream in Nova Scotia. The paper bouquets also caught my eye from Candace Krull's Etsy store hailing from Seattle, WA.
This pop of color on the groom's charcoal suit would be scrumptious! Moving beyond the attire, what about gifts for the wedding party or out of town guest gift basket, a sister, mom, etc? Feast your eyes on the special morsels created with love by my dear and talented friend, Susan. Her Etsy shop aesthetic is vintage, French inspired. The delicate sachets to her dreamy home accessories would be the perfect items to gift or accessorize a new, home with romantic reminders of your upcoming or recent nuptials. Her airy, serene master bedroom is such a peaceful haven with the bridal veil draped on the rod iron head board.

If you like what you see and seriously who wouldn't, I implore you to follow her and visit her Etsy store.
She is the reason I began my blogging journey. I instantly fell in love with her words and photos. Though a geographical distance between us, her posts make me feel like I'm in her lovely home sipping tea and reminiscing about our college days. The photos of her work are eye candy so warm, sweet and girly like the artist herself.  I wish her continued success and look forward to seeing where her talents will lead her. 
Though you may have a magazine or two in your midst, I'm sure you've already hit many sites accumulating lots of pages in your favorites file. Let them inspire you and take you on that creative trek toward the wedding details that are a reflection of your style. Perhaps purchase a few Etsy site gems like those mentioned to support and encourage the artists who share their creative hearts with "those that thrive on style"

1 comment:

  1. Oh Maria, you are too sweet! I miss you so, my dear friend. I was transported back in time, one of those giggly girls poring over magazines with you. Your wedding was magical, just like you.

    Thanks so much for including my work in this post. I'm humbled.
    You never cease to inspire me, my talented friend! This blog here is testament to your fabulous style and fashionista wisdom.
    Love, love,


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